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reboot + salt and pepper
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Who is guilty

This is a story about a designer and a developer making a website. But something kept going wrong. Who is to blame and what to do about it - that's up to you to decide.
We all want to roll out a project great and fast, but it turns out to be... well, you know. And there's only one question:
screwed up
the project?
A few months earlier...
15:00, SALTBOOT office

Designer and Dev met to kickoff a new project.

Okay, this one...
Oh, and THIS one!
Yup, looks good
Okay, let's gooooo!
Prototyping prototypesPrototyping prototypesPrototyping prototypes
Prototyping prototypesPrototyping prototypesPrototyping prototypes
Prototyping prototypesPrototyping prototypesPrototyping prototypes
How's that??